Friday 28 June 2013

Yukky jobs

One of the things we have to do is clean our bins, so today I have power washed the general rubbish bin- yuk!
the recycling bin- ok
the garden bin-double yuk!!!
We have to leave them empty and clean, can be hard to know what to do with rubbish when bins are only emptied every 2 weeks!!!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Moving and leaving......

One of the things about leaving is saying goodbye, it can be sad to say goodbye to so many friends but, you realise how much people care about you and how you are valued as a friend. I'm going to miss them all terribly but I know when I come back I've got them to come back to :-))

Monday 20 May 2013

Planning notes

So begins the planning for the move, DH bought a few leaflets home at the weekend to show what's available down south.
We have started the lists of jobs to do.......and at the moment they seem very long! Though we will soon get through them (we hope!!)
Half term when the boy is home from school, he and DH are going to tackle the garage........

Monday 13 May 2013

Welcome to my world........................

For about 25 years I have been a military wife, moved house a few times, to some good and some not so good quarters. This is to show anyone who reads this what living the life is like from MY point of view................

We are about to move house (again!!) this move is a hard one for me as I have to leave some wonderful friends and venture from the stunningly beautiful Northumberland coast to the south of England